Fanny Soulard | Light Pollution & the Impact of Excessive, Misdirected & Obtrusive Light | GILE 2023

Join us as we dive into the world of light pollution with Fanny Soulard, a senior lighting designer at Aurecon based in Vietnam. With her extensive experience and expertise in the field, Fanny will be presenting on the topic of "Light Pollution and the Impact of Excessive, Misdirected, and Obtrusive Light".

“Light pollution is not a ‘tomorrow’ concern anymore. The effects of light pollution are directly linked to a long list of issues extending to health and wellbeing, safety and the environment.” — Fanny Soulard

In her presentation, Fanny will shed light on the detrimental effects of light pollution on people's health and well-being, safety, and the environment. She will take us on a virtual tour of a major bank project in Vietnam, which unfortunately struggled with issues of light pollution. Fanny will also share insights on how her team successfully remedied these issues, providing practical solutions and strategies.

The presentation was recorded at the Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition in China in June 2023, a renowned event that brings together professionals from the lighting industry to showcase the latest innovations and share knowledge.

We are excited to share this insightful presentation from Fanny Soulard with our Virtual Lighting Design Community audience. Get ready to expand your understanding of light pollution and discover how you can make a positive impact through mindful lighting design.

A Bit of Background — About Fanny Soulard:

Fanny, a French native, holds a Master's degree in Applied Art, which has laid the foundation for her successful career in lighting design. Throughout her journey, she has worked for various companies in different countries, gaining valuable experience and honing her skills. Fanny specialises in sustainable projects, particularly in public transportation and rail development. Her focus lies in creating safe and efficient lighting spaces, while also adding a unique touch to give each site its own identity.

One project that Fanny is particularly proud of is her involvement in a hospital project early in her career. By incorporating light, she was able to significantly improve the well-being and mood of the patients.

However, Fanny has also encountered challenges along the way. One of the biggest challenges she has faced is training junior designers with different backgrounds and cultures, highlighting the importance of collaboration and understanding in the field.

** Watch Fanny’s full presentation on the community platform.

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